Warming Up for Advent of Code 2023

Advent of Code 2023 is almost here, and I’m managing my anticipation and excitement by starting on this year’s repo, libraries, and scripts. To practice, I decided to revisit previous years’ puzzles and work through some of the ones I never solved.

2015 - Day 18

Day 18 of 2015 featured a grid of lights which toggled on and off in a simulation Conway’s Game of Life. I’ve never actually implemented the “game” before, so this felt like a personal milestone!

I recognized that I’d need a 2D grid of lights, which at first I representated as booleans. I also knew that I’d need to implement a “step” mechanism to evaluate “turns” of the game. In the interest of developing a library of tools to aid my 2023 journey, I implemented all of this as generic Map/Filter/Reduce functions on a generic Grid type.

The core of the Grid type is a struct that has two methods: Get and Set. This type can be operated on by several functions:

  • Map, which applies a function to each element in the Grid
  • Filter, which removes elements of a Grid which do not adhere to a given condition
  • Reduce, which iterates over elements of a Grid and aggregates a result
  • Length, which counts the number of elements in a Grid

These common array functions unlock massive possibilities. For example, to count the number of lights in the Grid which are “on”, we use Reduce:

func (lg *LightGrid) NumOn() int {
  return grid.Reduce(lg.grid, 0, func(g grid.Grid[*Light], x, y int, v *Light, res int) int {
    if v.on {
      return res + 1
    return res

To implement game’s “turns”, we apply a function to each element with Map. The core of that mapping is a function which is applied to each light once per step:

func lightIsOn(g grid.Grid[*Light], x, y int, v *Light) *Light {
  // In part two, some of the lights are stuck on.  This early return covers that case.
  if v, ok := g.Get(x, y); ok && v.stuck {
    return &Light{v.on, v.stuck}

  // Iterate through all eight neighbors of the current light and count which ones are on.
  neighborsOn := 0
  for i := -1; i <= 1; i++ {
    for j := -1; j <= 1; j++ {
      if l, ok := g.Get(x+i, y+j); ok && l.on && !(i == 0 && j == 0) {

  return &Light{
    // This one line encapsulates the Game's rules: if a light is on and has two or three neighbors
    // that are also on, it stays on.  If it is off, it turns on if three neighbors are on.
    on:    (v.on && (neighborsOn == 2 || neighborsOn == 3)) || (!v.on && neighborsOn == 3),
    stuck: v.stuck,

My favorite part of this solution is that, looking at my solution code, most of the custom implementation is that lightIsOn method. Most everything else, such as iteration over the grid and counting which lights are on, is handled by the generic Grid and the Map/Filter/Reduce functions. That’s super satisfying!

Until next time,

– Mario Leone