Supporting Web Sign In, h-card, and h-entry

With a few small changes, my site is now meeting some core IndieWeb criteria. Specifically, it:

  • Supports Web Sign In
  • Contains a well-formatted h-card in the footer
  • Marks up each post with h-entry classes

Web Sign In was easy - just add a link to my GitHub page in the site’s footer with a rel=me attribute, and link back to my site on my GitHub page. I’ve since added my Mastodon profile, too.

Adding an h-card presented more of a design challenge than an engineering one. An h-card is just an HTML element with certain classes on its child elements. My first iteration of this featured my name, site URL, and an additional URL to my GitHub profile. I added a u-uid attribute to my site link, tagging it as the page’s “representational h-card”.

However, two things were missing that I was encouraged by to add - a photo and a short bio. I found a way to fit a small version of my profile picture and a short note in the footer, added the relevant class names, and my h-card was complete. I’m pretty happy with how this new footer looks, which is a plus.

Finally, adding h-entry markup to each blog post was simple. Mostly that just meant adding class names to elements that were already there, though I did have to add a few URLs and divs for good measure.

The validators now show my site as conforming to all recommended aspects of these three facets. Next come the hard parts - supporting Micropub and Webmentions. I’ve seen a few ways to do this using a static site, but I think I’m going to take this opportunity to explore migrating the core of my site to some kind of dynamic system. I have a few thoughts on how I might do that, so stay tuned for more!